© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5301-r01 (12/17/12)
During NORM Dives, the AMPHOS can be manually switched from Gas 1 to Gas 2, changing FO2 displays and calculations.
Every dive begins with Gas 1, and 10 minutes after surfacing from a multiple gas dive, operation defaults to the Gas 1 FO2.
Access to Switching screens can only be accomplished during the time that a Dive Main screen is being displayed and cannot be
performed during the time that an Alarm is sounding or while on the surface.
If a Switch to a new Gas would expose the diver to a prohibitive PO2 level of 1.60 ATA or greater, the Audible will sound during
which a message will be displayed for 10 seconds (Fig. 89).
Due to the possibility that sufficient air may not be available in the Switch From tank to complete the dive, the Switch to the
prohibitive mix can still be made. If the Switch is made to the prohibitive mix, the High PO2 Alarm will activate.
Switching of Gas mixes can only to be performed during the time that a Gas Switch Preview screen is being displayed. These
are accessed from a Dive Main screen.
• M (2 sec) while viewing a Dive Main will access the Gas 1 Switch Preview screen.
GAS 1 SWITCH PREVIEW, information includes (Fig. 90) -
> Graphic GAS 1.
> Current PO2 value with PO2 icon, based on current depth and FO2 displayed.
> FO2 set for Gas 1 with FO2 icon.
> Gas (tank) 1 icon.
> NX icon if Nitrox.
• M (< 2 sec) to access the Gas 2 Switch Preview.
• S (< 2 sec) to switch to Gas 1, after 3 sec, then revert to the Main with calculations/displays based on Gas 1*.
• Operation will revert to the Dive Main after 10 seconds if no button action.
GAS 2 SWITCH PREVIEW, information includes (Fig. 91) -
> Graphic GAS 2.
> Current PO2 value with PO2 icon, based on current depth and FO2 displayed.
> FO2 set for Gas 2 with FO2 icon.
> Gas (tank) 2 icon.
> NX icon if Nitrox.
• M (< 2 sec) to revert to Dive Main.
• S (< 2 sec) to switch to Gas 2, after 3 sec, then revert to the Main with calculations/displays based on Gas 2*.
• Operation will revert to the Dive Main after 10 seconds if no button action.
Fig. 89 - DON'T SWITCH
Fig. 90 - GAS 1
Fig. 91 - GAS 2