© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5301-r01 (12/17/12)
Watch Main Time (Fig. 5) is the current Time at your home location and is normally selected as the Local Default Time.
The normal Watch screen sequence accessed with momentary presses (less than 2 seconds each) of the M button is -
Main Time >> Alternate Time >> Countdown Timer >> Chronograph >> Daily Alarm
Watch Alternate Time (Fig. 6), which is set by Hour Differential, is the current Time at a remote travel location. Upon arrival
at the location, Alternate Time can be interchanged with Main Time to make it the Local Default Time.
While viewing Alternate Time, depressing the S button for 2 seconds will replace Main Time with Alternate Time that will then
become the Local Default Time until changed.
While viewing any of the Watch Mode displays, depressing the M button for 2 seconds or if no button is pressed for 2 minutes,
operation will revert to the Watch Default Time screen selected.
MAIN TIME, information displayed includes (Fig. 7):
> Daily Alarm icon (clock) if it is set On (Fig. 7a).
> Time of Day (hr:min:sec) with P icon (if PM), no icon if AM or if 24 Hour Format.
> Day of the Week graphic MON (or TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN).
> Battery icon, if a Low Battery Condition exists.
> Nitrogen Bar Graph, if any after NORM/FREE dives.
• M (< 2 sec) will access Watch ALT Time (remote, set for travel location).
• M (2 sec) will access Dive Computer Surface Mode (NORM, GAUG, or FREE).
• A (< 2 sec) will access NORM/GAUG Log and History Modes.
• A (2 sec) will access the ALT (Alternate) screen (Elev, Temp, Date).
• S (< 2 sec) will silence/acknowledge the Daily Alarm.
• L (press) will activate the Backlight.
• A + S (simultaneously 2 sec) will access the Set Time menu.
WATCH ALT, information includes (Fig. 8):
> Altitude graphic (EL2 to EL7), if above 3000 feet (915 meters), blank if Sea level.
> Date (Month.Day or Day.Month).
> Temperature with ° icon and graphic F (or C).
• After 5 seconds, operation will revert to the Watch Time screen.
• A (< 2 sec) will revert to the Watch Default Time screen.
• L (press) will activate the Backlight.
This mode allows the Date and Time of Day to be set which will also serve as the basis for Watch Alternate Time values.
> Set items include Date Format, Hour Format, Time, and Date
> Day of the Week is set automatically when the Date is set.
> When the AMPHOS is operating in Dive Computer mode, Date is displayed only to identify dives when they are accessed in
the Log Mode
• A (repeatedly, < 2 sec each time) will step through the menu items.
• M (2 sec) at any time, or if no button is pressed during a period of 2 minutes, operation will revert to Watch Default Time.
Set Date Format
While viewing the Watch Default Time screen, depressing the A and S buttons simultaneously for 2 seconds will access the Set
Date Format screen displaying the graphic SEt and the Set Point M - D (or D - M) flashing (Fig. 9).
> M - D means that Month will be displayed to the left of Day.
> D - M means that Day will be displayed to the left of Month.
• S (< 2 sec) will toggle between M - D and D - M.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the setting and access Set Hour Format.
Set Hour Format
The Set Hour Format screen displays the graphic SEt with the Set Point 12HR (or 24HR) flashing (Fig. 10).
• S (< 2 sec) will toggle between 12 and 24.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the setting and access Set Time.
Fig. 5 - MAIN TIME
Fig. 7 - MAIN TIME
(12 Hour Format)
Fig. 8 - WATCH ALT