© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5301-r01 (12/17/12)
• S (< 2 sec) will step through the Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the setting and access Set FO2 Default.
• A + S (2 sec) will save the setting and revert to Set F.
• M (2 sec), or if no button is pressed within 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Surface Main.
The AMPHOS is programmed to prevent FO2 for Gas 2 from being set at a value lower than the FO2 set for Gas 1. When
setting FO2 for Gas 2, the lowest value available will be the Set Point of Gas 1.
SET FO2 50% DEFAULT, information includes (Fig. 38):
> Graphics FO2, dFLt, and 50.
> Set Point graphic OFF (or ON), flashing.
• S (< 2 sec) will toggle between OFF and ON.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the setting and revert to SET F.
• M (2 sec), or if no button is pressed within 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Surface Main.
Selections >> Audible > Depth > EDT > NIBG > DTR > PO2.
> A + S (2 sec), while viewing Set F, will access Set A (Fig. 39).
> A (< 2 sec) will then access Set Audible.
SET AUDIBLE, information includes (Fig. 40):
This option allows the Audible Alarm to be disabled. Due to their importance, some cautionary situations will cause the Audible
to sound even if this feature is set to Off.
> Graphic ON (or OFF), flashing.
> Graphic AUD.
• S (< 2 sec) will toggle between ON and OFF.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the setting and access Set Depth Alarm.
• A + S (2 sec) will save the setting and revert to Set A.
• M (2 sec), or if no button is pressed within 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Surface Main.
SET DEPTH ALARM information includes (Fig. 41):
> Graphic ON (or OFF), flashing.
> Depth value with MAX and FT (or M) icons.
> Graphic DEEP.
• S ( < 2 sec) will step through the selections OFF, ON, and SEt.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the selection -
>> if ON or OFF is saved, advance to Set EDT Alarm.
>> if SEt is saved, the Depth digits flash (SEt goes solid).
• S (hold) will scroll upward from 30 to 330 FT (9 to 99 M) in 10 FT (1 M) increments at 8 per sec.
• S ( < 2 sec) will step up through the Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the setting and flash SEt allowing ON or OFF to be selected..
• A + S (2 sec) will save the setting and revert to Set A.
• M (2 sec), or if no button is pressed within 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Surface Main.
SET EDT ALARM, information includes (Fig. 42):
> Graphic ON (or OFF), flashing.
> Elapsed Dive Time (hr:min).
> Graphic EDT.
• S ( < 2 sec) will step through the selections OFF, ON, and SEt.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the selection -
>> if ON or OFF is saved, advance to Set NIBG Alarm.
>> if SEt is saved, the Time digits flash (SEt goes solid).
• S (hold) will scroll upward from 0:10 to 3:00 (hr:min) in 0:05 (5 min) increments at 8 per sec.
• S ( < 2 sec) will step up through the Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the setting and flash SEt allowing ON or OFF to be selected..
• A + S (2 sec) will save the setting and revert to Set A.
• M (2 sec), or if no button is pressed within 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Surface Main.
Fig. 39 - SET A GROUP