© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5301-r01 (12/17/12)
SERIAL NUMBER, information includes (Fig. 54):
> A + S (2 sec), while viewing Set U, will access the Serial Number screen.
> Graphic SN (Serial Number).
> Factory programmed Serial Number, up to 6 digits.
> Firmware (operating software) revision (e.g., graphic R1A).
• A + S (2 sec) will revert to the Surface Main.
• M (2 sec), or if no button is pressed within 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Surface Main.
The Serial Number and Firmware Revision will be requested in the event that you contact Sherwood regarding the AMPHOS.
Enter them in the Records section provided in the back of this Manual.
Sherwood strongly recommends that you review the Plan Mode prior to every NORM dive to help you
plan your dive as required to avoid exceeding no decompression or oxygen exposure limits. This is espe-
cially important for repetitive dives when the Plan Mode indicates adjusted dive times that are available for the next dive, based
on residual nitrogen or oxygen accumulation (whichever is in control) following the last dive and surface interval.
NOTE: No Decompression dive times in Plan Mode are based on the FO2 setting for Gas 1. The FO2
setting for Gas 2 is not utilized for Plan calculations.
• S (< 2 sec), while viewing NORM SURF Main, will access Plan Lead-in.
PLAN LEAD-IN, information includes (Fig. 55, 56):
> PO2 Alarm Set Point with PO2 icon if FO2 is set for Nitrox, blank if set for Air.
> Graphic Air, or 21 to 50 (%), with FO2 and Tank (Gas) 1 icons.
> NX icon, if Nitrox.
> Graphic PLAN.
• A (< 2 sec), after dives, will access Time to Fly, then again Desat Time.
• S (< 2 sec) will access the first Plan Depth/No Deco Dive time screen, then step through the sequence.
Plan will sequence through screens displaying Depths with NDLs from 30 up to 190 FT (9 to 57 M), or the Max Depth that will
allow theoretical No Deco Dive Time of at least 1 minute based upon the previous dive profiles in a series of repetitive dives
and taking into account descent and ascent rates of 60 FPM (18 MPM).
NOTE: When the Conservative Factor is set On, No Decompression Dive times are reduced to the val-
ues of the next 3000 foot (915 meter) higher Altitude.
PLAN DEPTH/TIME, information includes (Fig. 57):
> Max Depth allowed for the PO2 Alarm value set with MAX and FT (or M) icons, blank if FO2 is set for Air.
> Plan Depth with FT (or M) icon.
> Dive Time (min) allowed for the Depth displayed with min icon, NDC or OTL up to 199 minutes.
> Tank 1 icon indicating Gas (mix) 1.
> N2, or O2, icon, indicating that Nitrogen or Oxygen is the limiting time factor in control of calculations.
• S (< 2 sec), repeatedly, will step upward through the Planned Depths in increments of 10 FT (3 M).
• M (2 sec), or if no button is pressed within 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Surface Main.
Time to Fly is a counter that begins counting down 10 minutes after surfacing from a dive from 23:50 to 0:00 (hr:min).
Ten minutes after a dive, operation reverts to Watch Default Time and the Time to Fly countdown continues in the background.
Access to the Fly screen is then gained by first accessing NORM (or GAUG) SURF Main.
NORM SURF Main >> A (< 2 sec), while viewing Plan Lead-in, will access Fly.
GAUG SURF Main >> S (< 2 sec) will access Fly.
TIME TO FLY, information includes (Fig. 58):
> Countdown Time (hr:min).
> Graphic FLY.
• A (< 2 sec) will access Desat Time if in NORM, or revert to Surface Main if in GAUG.
• M (2 sec), or if no button is pressed within 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Surface Main.
• L (press) will activate the Backlight.
(view only)
Fig. 56 - PLAN LEAD-IN
(FO2 set for Nitrox)
Fig. 55 - PLAN LEAD-IN
(FO2 set for Air)
Fig. 58 - TIME TO FLY
(FO2 set for Nitrox)