© 2002 Design, 2012 Doc. No. 12-5301-r01 (12/17/12)
Set Time
The Set Time screen displays the graphics SEt and TIME with the Time of Day (hr:min) with the Hour digits flashing (Fig. 11). The
graphic P is displayed when PM, no graphic if AM or 24 Hour Format.
• S (press/hold) will scroll upward through the Hour Set Points in 1 hour increments at a rate of 8 per second.
• S (< 2 sec) will step upward through the Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the Hour setting and flash the Minute digits.
• S (press/hold) will scroll upward through the Minute Set Points in 1 minute increments at a rate of 8 per second.
• S (< 2 sec) will step upward through the Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the Minute Set Point and access Set Date.
Set Date
The Set Date screen displays the graphic SEt and Month.Day (or Day.Month) with the Year digits flashing (Fig. 12).
• S (press/hold) will scroll upward through the Year Set Points in 1 Year increments at a rate of 8 per second from 2011 to
2054 (with leap year corrections).
• S (< 2 sec) will step upward through the Year Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the Year setting and flash the Month digits (regardless of their position on the display).
• S (press/hold) will scroll upward through the Month Set Points in 1 month increments at a rate of 8 per second.
• S (< 2 sec) will step upward through the Month Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the Month Set Point and flash the Day digits.
• S (hold) will scroll upward through the Day Set Points in 1 Day increments at a rate of 8 per second.
• S (repeatedly, < 2 sec each time) will step upward through the Day Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the Date setting and revert to Watch Default Time.
> Year will not be displayed in any mode other than Set Date.
> Main Time/Date can also be set using the PC Interface program.
> Prior to shipment from the factory, any error of the Main Time is corrected.
ALTERNATE TIME, information includes (Fig. 13):
> Alarm icon, if the Daily Alarm is set On, blank if Off.
> Graphic ALt, indicating Time as Alternate (remote location).
> Time of Day (hr:min:sec), blank if Off.
> Day of the Week graphic MON (or TUE, WED, THU, FRI, SAT, SUN), or OFF.
• S (< 2 sec) will silence/acknowledge the Daily Alarm.
• S (2 sec) will interchange ALT Time with Main Time making ALT Time the local Watch Default Time screen.
• A + S (2 sec) will access Set ALT Time.
• M (< 2 sec) will access the Watch CDT Status (Countdown Timer).
• M (2 sec) will revert to the Watch Default Time screen.
• L (press) will activate the Backlight.
Set Alternate Time
• ALT TIME can be set OFF, or to an Hour Differential ranging from + 1 through +23 through - 23 through -1 (hours).
• Once the Differential is selected and saved, values of ALT Time will be based upon the Main Time setting.
Information includes (Fig. 14):
> Graphics SEt and ALt.
> Graphic OFF (or numeric value) flashing.
• S (press/hold) will scroll through the Set Points in increments of 1 Hour at a rate of 8 per second.
• S (< 2 sec) will step upward through the Set Points one at a time.
• A (< 2 sec) will save the Set Point and revert to the Watch ALT Time screen.
• M (2 sec) will revert to the Watch Default Time screen.
• If no button is pressed during a period of 2 minutes, operation will revert to the Watch Default Time screen.
WATCH CDT (COUNTDOWN TIMER) STATUS, information includes (Fig. 15, 16):
> Graphic OFF (or ON) flashing, with 0:00 if no time was previously set, the remaining Countdown Time (hr:min) if running,
or the Countdown Time previously set.
> Graphic CDT.
• S (< 2 sec) will toggle between ON and OFF. A toggle to ON will Start the Timer if a Time has been set.
>> If OFF is selected, the CD Time in progress will stop counting down. Access to Set will be allowed.
>> If ON is selected, the CD Time displayed (time previously set, or the time remaining when stopped) will start counting
down. Access to Set will be blocked.
• A + S (2 sec) will display the graphic SEt in place of OFF, allowing the Time to be set.
• M (< 2 sec) will access Chrono.
• M (2 sec) will revert to the Watch Default Time screen.
• L (press) will activate the Backlight.
Once set ON, a CDT will run in the background (on surface) until turned OFF, or it counts down to 0:00 at which time the
alarm will strike. Upon entry into Dive Mode the CDT will turn OFF with the Time reverting to the value previously set.
Fig. 11 - SET TIME
Fig. 12 - SET DATE
Fig. 15 - CDT STATUS
(no time set)
Fig. 16 - CDT STATUS