MGC-25 Getting Started Guide
changes. Resources are shown by their actual port numbers, listing both
the Assigned or Available number of ports.
In the IP section of the Resources Report, both non-encrypted and
encrypted participants are grouped together. For example, if one
encrypted and one non-encrypted participants using a line rate of 128
Kbps attend a conference, the resource report displays the sum of the
used resources of both participants together. In this case the
non-encrypted participant is allocated 1 port and the encrypted
participant 2 ports, totalling 3 ports.
The ISDN participants section of the Resource Report differentiates
between encrypted and non-encrypted participants listing both Assigned
and Available ports for both non-encrypted and encrypted participants.
The Available port column lists the total number of ports that can be
allocated to encrypted and non-encrypted participants. For example, at a
line rate of 128 Kbps up to 12 non-encrypted and 8 encrypted
participants can connect to conferences running on the MGC-25. At a
line rate of 384 Kbps, 5 non-encrypted and 5 encrypted participants can
connect to conferences running on the MGC-25.
PSTN does not support encryption. The system lists the number of ports
that are available to non-encrypted participants for connection, using
rates up to 64 Kbps.
3. The following information is displayed:
Table 8-2: Resource Report - Details
Field Description
Number of
The total number of dial-in participants for which
resources have been assigned in “Meet-Me” On
Going Conferences and soon-to-begin (within 5
minutes) reserved conferences.