Chapter 8 - MGC-25 Management Tools
The system indicates the physical slot in which the card is inserted, the
card's type, hardware version and serial number as identified by the
MCU's software.
The Status box displays all the error messages related to the card. When
there is a problem with the card, a detailed description of the problem
appears in this box.
The Conferences box displays the name of the conferences which are
currently run by this card.
Viewing the IP Card Properties
The IP card properties enable you to view additional information about the IP
network, the Network Service assigned to this card, the card details, such as,
the card type, hardware version, the MCU slot number, the card status, and
the conferences that are handled by the card. The IP card units interface
between the IP network and the MCU.
The MGC-25 card setup is a representative description of the card
functionality that is similar to the MGC-50/100 IP+ card.
For a detailed description of the IP card properties, see the MGC
Administrator’s Guide, Chapter 4, “Viewing the IP/IP+ Card Properties”.
When the MCU is updated with a new software version, the current card
configuration definitions are automatically copied and the new configuration files
are loaded to the card during the software download process.