MGC-25 Getting Started Guide
The Resource Report dialog box opens.
The following information is displayed:
Table 8-1: Resource Report Total Participants Display
Column Description
Total The total number of participants that can be
supported by the system.
Assigned The number of participant resources that are
currently assigned to On Going Conferences and
soon-to-begin (within 5 minutes) reserved
Allocation Method
The Port-Unit Allocation Method box determines how
all the resources are allocated. The selection of the
mode can be done only when no conference is
running. The following modes are available:
• Circular (default) - The system allocates the next
available sequential unit in the order in which it is
numbered on the card according to the unit
numbers. For example, if the last used unit is 2,
the next time a conference is run, the system will
allocate units starting with unit 3 (provided that
unit 3 is free).
This mode should be used when you suspect that
there may be faulty units, allowing the system to
allocate other units for the conferences while the
faulty units are replaced, or reset. However, this
mode should not be used when debugging the
system, as the problems will be inconsistent if the
problematic units are not used constantly.