Chapter 3 - Initial System Setup
3. Click OK.
If your system supports only IP networks, a confirmation message is
4. Click OK to confirm.
If you are defining both IP and ISDN Network Services, the Network
Configuration Wizard dialog box is displayed.
To configure an ISDN Network Service:
1. Click the ISDN button.
Domain Name
or IP Address
Conferences and Entry Queues can be registered in the
proxy in the format user@host. for example,
When dialing to a conference or Entry Queue, the SIP
server expects to receive the host either as domain
name or as an IP address.
Table 3-1: IP Configuration Parameters (Continued)
Field Description
If you are defining only the IP Network Service, the Network Configuration
dialog box closes and the new IP Network Service appears in the IP Network
Services list. You must reset the MCU.