Chapter 5 - Basic Operation
3. In the Name box, enter the participant’s name.
4. For video participants using H.221 aggregation, enter the phone numbers
separated by semicolons.
For example, for a 2B participant: 9251921;9251922. If using Bonding
(both numbers are the same), enter the number once. Example: 9251921.
5. In the Connection Type box, select Dial-out if the MCU/operator calls
the participant.
6. In the Interface Type box, select the Network Protocol used to connect
the participant to the conference: ISDN, H.323 or SIP.
7. Define the participant properties as follows:
a. If you are defining an ISDN participant:
In the Participant Phone Numbers box, enter the participant’s
The Identification parameters change according to the selected Interface Type.