98 Configuring KIRK Wireless Server 600v3
14117800, Ed.2.6
1 Under the Configuration menu, click DECT, and then click Master.
Figure 34 Adm. Page: Configuration/DECT/Master page
2 From the Mode list, select Active. Selecting Active defines the KWS600v3 as a
Primary (Master).
3 From the Protocol list
, select either H323, SIP or SKINNY depending on the protocol
you are using.
4 In the GK
(Gate Keeper) field, type the IP address of your call handler.
Contact your system administrator for more
5 In the Alt-GK (Alt
ernative Gate Keeper) field, type an alternative IP address of your
call handler (optional).
Contact your system administrator for more
6 GK
-Id field:
Call handler specific, refer to KWS600v3 Configur
ation Guide for the relevant call
7 Clic
k OK.
8 Clic
k Reset (under Administration menu) to save your configuration. Configuring DECT Radio (Primary)
On the Radio page you define which radio ID the Master KWS600v3 and Sync Source has
to synchronize with.
Note: In a multi-c
ell installation with max. 10 KIRK Wireless Server primary and
secondaries and/or 100 handsets, the Master KWS600v3 can be used as radio unit. If
using the radio part on a Master KWS600v3, configure it as described in “Configuring
DECT Radio (Secondary)” on page 116.