90 Configuring KIRK Wireless Server 600v3
14117800, Ed.2.6
1 Under the Configuration menu, click IP.
Figure 25 Adm. Page: Configuration/IP/Settings page
2 In the TOS priority - RTP Data field, type a TOS priority.
Depending on the network, it
may be necessary to change the TOS priority.
• Most networks: The default TOS priority is: 0
• If CISCO network: It is recommended to change t
he TOS priority - RTP Data to
3 In the TOS priority - Signal
ling field, type a TOS priority.
Depending on the network, it
may be necessary to change the TOS priority.
• Most networks: The default TOS priority is: 0
• If CISCO network: It is recommended to change the TOS priority
- Signalling to
For information about the TOS priorities used in
your network, contact you system
4 Clic
k Reset (under Administration menu) to save your configuration.
7.6 Configuring Multi-Cell Solution through Administration Page
Note: Using the web based Administration Page is recommended when configuring
small to medium-sized installations.
This section describes how to configu
re a KWS600v3 Multi-cell solution.