Configuring KIRK Wireless Server 600v3 89
KIRK Wireless Server 600v3 Installation and Configuration Guide
5 In the Alt-GK (Alternative Gate Keeper) field, type an alternative IP address of your
call handler.
Contact your system administrator for more
6 GK
-Id field:
Call handler specific, refer to KWS600v3 Configur
ation Guide for the relevant call
7 Clic
k OK.
8 Clic
k Reset (under Administration menu) to save your configurations.
7.5.6 Configuring DECT Radio
1 Under the Configuration menu, click DECT, and then click Radio.
Figure 24 Adm. Page: Configuration/DECT/Radio page
2 In the Radio-Id field, type 1.
3 Clic
k OK.
4 Clic
k Reset (under Administration menu) to save your configuration.
7.5.7 Configuring TOS (Type of Service) Priorities
It is possible to change the TOS (Type of Service) priorities in a system. The TOS priority
depends on the network used.