154 KIRK Handset Registration and Subscription
14117800, Ed.2.6
8.2.2 KIRK 4020/4040/4080 Handset
A handset can be subscribed to more systems and will automatically log on to the
relevant system. If a handset is subscribed to two or more systems, you can use Auto
Login type A to change between the systems automatically. If a handset is subscribed to
two systems only, you can use Auto Login type B to change between the systems
When to use Auto Login type A:
• Auto Login A should only be used in separate systems without overlaps.
If a handset looses signal from the system (the display showing Out of Range), then
after 20 seconds the handset will start searching for an alternative system available
from the Login list and automatically change to this system.
Note: Using Auto Login A any call will be dropped when changing to an alternative
When to use Auto Login type B:
• Auto Login B can be used in separate systems which are overlapping each other.
As soon as the handset has measured a low RSSI signal 5 times in succession, it will
start up the Auto Login type B procedure and change to an alternative system
Note: Using Auto Login B any call will be dropped when changing to an alternative
In some situations it is necessary to use Auto Login type B due to the following:
• If two separate systems are sharing areas with common overlap, selecting Auto
Login type A will result in poor performance as the handset will stay connected to
the actual system it is subscribed to for as long as it can recognize a signal. Even if
the bearer quality of the actual system is so bad that it cannot setup a connection,
it is still not possible for the handset to change to alternative systems. Auto Login
type B can enhance the performance for such configurations. Using Auto Login
type B the handset is forced to switch from a system with bad bearer quality to
one of the alternative systems available.
To determine if it is necessary to log on to another system the handset is measuring the
RSSI level. A number of measured low RSSI levels will force the handset to log on to the
alternative system.
This section provides information about:
• “Subscribing Handsets” on page 155
• “” on page 155
Note: Subscription of handsets requires the use of each registered handset.