Configuring KIRK Wireless Server 600v3 87
KIRK Wireless Server 600v3 Installation and Configuration Guide
7.5.4 Configuring DECT System
1 Under the Configuration menu, click DECT, and then click System.
Figure 22 Adm. Page: Configuration/DECT/System page
2 In the Name field, the name MUST ALWAYS be DECT.
If changing the name, the system cannot operate.
3 In the PWD (password)
field, type the password, and then type it again in the field
4 From the Subscript
ions list, select either With User AC, With System ACor Disable.
Note: It
is recommended to select With User AC. When subscribing a new handset to
the system it is possible to use an authentication code (AC). If you want to use the
authentication code, you must select With User AC. For more information about
subscription of handsets and authentication codes, refer to “Subscribing Handsets”
on page 152
5 From the Tones list,
select a ring tone.
6 Enbloc Dialing chec
k box:
Call handler specific, refer to KWS600v3 Configur
ation Guide for the relevant call
7 Local R-Key/Display
Handling check box:
Call handler specific, refer to KWS600v3 Configur
ation Guide for the relevant call
through RTP channel check box: