Q What programming do I have to perform to use a headset with an extension?
• Set Headset OFF/ON on the 3.24 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port
screen to "Headset ON".
Q What programming do I have to perform to use XDP with an extension port?
• Set XDP Mode on
the 3.24 [1-1] Slot—Port Property - Extension Port screen to
Q How do I edit a Class of Service, or create a new Class of Service?
• Class of Service feature restrictions can be set from the 4.12
[2-7-1] Class of Service
—COS Settings screen.
Q How do I restrict calls between 2 extensions?
• Calls between extensions can be restricted from the 4.14
[2-7-3] Class of Service—
Internal Call Block screen. Click in the relevant cells to select the COS levels whose
extensions are blocked from calling each other.
Q How do I restrict trunk calls made by extensions?
• Trunk calls made by extensions can be restricted from the 4.13 [2-7-2] Class of
Service—External Call Block screen. Click in the relevant cells to select the trunk
groups that cannot be used by extensions associated with a particular COS in each
time mode.
To prevent extensions associated with a COS from making trunk calls, set all trunk
groups for that COS to "Block" (blue).
Q How do I modify the hold operation for SLTs?
• It is possible to choose how to hold a line and transfer a call with an SLT using the
SLT—SLT Hold Mode option on the 4.18 [2-9] System Options screen.
For more details, see "1.13.1 Call Hold" of the Feature Guide.
How do I set up an Incoming Call Distribution (ICD) group to receive trunk calls
• Perform the following steps:
1. On the 5.13
[3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings screen,
enter the floating extension number you chose for the ICD group in the
Extension Number cell.
2. Click Apply.
3. On the 5.14 [3-5-1] Incoming Call Distribution Group—Group Settings—
Member List
screen, select the ICD group you created from the Incoming Call
Distribution drop-down list.
4. Enter the extension numbers of member extensions in the
Number column.
5. Click Apply.
6. On the DIL tab of the 12.2 [10-2] DIL Table & Port Settings screen, enter the
floating extension number of the ICD group as the DIL Destination—Day,
Lunch, Break, Night of each time mode.
7. Modify other settings as required from the Group—Incoming Call Distribution
Group submenu.
PC Programming Manual 97
2.7.1 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)