Communication—NL Code
Specifies the NL (New Line) code for the printer or personal computer.
If the
printer or personal computer automatically feeds lines with a carriage return, select CR (Carriage Return).
If not, select CR+LF (Line Feed).
Value Range
Maintenance Console Location
13.1 [11-1] Main
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
Communication—Parity Bit
parity bit code that indicates what type of parity is used to detect an error in the string of bits composing
a character.
Make an appropriate selection depending on the requirements of the printer or personal computer.
Value Range
None, Mark, Space, Even, Odd
Maintenance Console Location
13.1 [11-1] Main
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References Station Message Detail Recording (SMDR)
Communication—Word Length
Specifies the number of bits in each byte of a character.
When connecting
the Maintenance Console to the PBX using an RS-232C cable, assign the following values
to the Serial Interface (RS-232C) port of the PBX:
Word Length: 8 bit, Parity Bit: None, Stop Bit: 1 bit
Do not use the following combinations:
• Word Length: 8 bit, Parity Bit: Space, Stop Bit: 1 bit
• Word Length: 8 bit, Parity Bit: Mark, Stop Bit: 2 bit
860 PC Programming Manual
13.1 [11-1] Main