3.12 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property
- Virtual IP Gateway—
The related settings of the address translation of telephone numbers and IP addresses can be programmed.
Leading Number
Specifies the leading digits in dialled numbers by which to associate calls with the appropriate destination.
Value Range
Max. 30 digits (consisting of 0–
Maintenance Console Location
3.12 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—DN2IP
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
Remaining Number of Digits
Specifies the number of digits to be dialled following the leading number to access the destination.
Value Range
Maintenance Console Location
3.12 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—DN2IP
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
GW No./GW Group Selection
Specifies the type of destination when making calls: a gateway device or a gateway group.
Value Range
GW Group, GW No.
170 PC Programming Manual
3.12 [1-1] Slot—Shelf Property - Virtual IP Gateway—DN2IP