2.2.2 Programme launcher—Open
Opens a system data file previously saved on the PC, and enters Batch mode.
When opening
a file created with an older version of the Maintenance Console, you will be asked whether you
want to convert the data for use with the current version or not. Using the data without converting may result
in some data being loaded to an incorrect destination, and is not recommended.
If the file is not supported by the PBX (e.g. a system data file from an incompatible PBX), it will not be opened.
The only files that can be opened are files that were created by the Maintenance Console for a supported PBX.
To upload a file opened here to the SD memory card installed in the PBX, see 2.6.2 Utility—File Transfer
PC to PBX (SD Card).
To open a system data file
1. From the programme launcher, select Open.
The Open dialogue box will be displayed.
2. Navigate to the folder containing the system data file you want to open.
3. Select the file.
4. Click Open.
If the file was created with an older version of the Maintenance Console, you will be asked if you want to
convert the data.
• Click Yes to convert the data for use with the current version of the Maintenance Console. Enter a
name for the new converted system file.
• Click No to open the file as it is.
38 PC Programming Manual
2.2.2 Programme launcher—Open