Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
E&M-P Pulse Length—E&M-P Seizure ACK
Specifies whether the PBX waits for an E & M-P seizure ACK signal.
Value Range
No, Yes
Maintenance Console Location
3.39 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - E1 type—Line Signal Setting
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
Meter Pulse Detection—Mode
Specifies the mode for call charge meter pulses.
Value Range
No Detection: Meter pulses are not sent or received.
Outgoing call only: Sends a call charge meter pulse for outgoing trunk calls.
Both calls: Sends and receives call charge meter pulses.
Maintenance Console Location
3.39 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - E1 type—Line Signal Setting
Programming Manual References
Feature Guide References
Meter Pulse Detection—Bit Position
Specifies the bit position of a call charge meter pulse.
346 PC Programming Manual
3.39 [1-1] Slot—Card Property - E1 type—Line Signal Setting