User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Switching Commands 8-13
System Up Time The relative time since the last reboot of the switch at which this
trap occurred.
Trap The relevant information of this trap.
Note: Trap log information is not retained across a switch reset.
show mac-addr-table
This command displays the forwarding database entries. If the command is entered with no
parameter, the entire table is displayed. This is the same as entering the optional
all parameter.
Alternatively, the administrator can enter a MAC Address to display the table entry for the
requested MAC address and all entries following the requested MAC address.
show mac-addr-table [<macaddr> | all]
Mode Privileged EXEC
Mac Address A unicast MAC address for which the switch has forwarding and
or filtering information. The format is 6 or 8 two-digit hexadeci-
mal numbers that are separated by colons, for example
01:23:45:67:89:AB. In an IVL system the MAC address will be
displayed as 8 bytes. In an SVL system, the MAC address will be
displayed as 6 bytes.
slot/port The port which this address was learned.
if Index This object indicates the ifIndex of the interface table entry asso-
ciated with this port.
Status The status of this entry. The meanings of the values are:
Static The value of the corresponding instance was added by the
system or a user when a static MAC filter was defined. It cannot
be relearned.
Learned The value of the corresponding instance was learned by
observing the source MAC addresses of incoming traffic, and is
currently in use.
Management The value of the corresponding instance (system
MAC address) is also the value of an existing instance of
dot1dStaticAddress. It is identified with interface 0/1 and is cur-
rently used when enabling VLANs for routing.
Self The value of the corresponding instance is the address of one
of the switch’s physical interfaces (the system’s own MAC