User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Routing Commands 9-39
Netdir Bcast Indicates if IP forwards net-directed broadcasts on this interface.
Possible values are Enable or Disable.
MultiCast Fwd Indicates the multicast forwarding administrative mode on the
interface. Possible values are Enable or Disable.
In Access Mode Indicates the inbound access list checking administrative mode
on this interface. Possible values are Enable or Disable.
Out Access Mode Indicates the outbound access list checking administrative mode
on this interface. Possible values are Enable or Disable.
show ip irdp
This command displays the router discovery information for all interfaces, or a specified interface.
show ip irdp <slot/port | all>
Mode Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
Ad Mode Displays the advertise mode which indicates whether router dis-
covery is enabled or disabled on this interface.
Max Int Displays the maximum advertise interval which is the maximum
time allowed between sending router advertisements from the
interface in seconds.
Min Int Displays the minimum advertise interval which is the minimum
time allowed between sending router advertisements from the
interface in seconds.
Adv Life Displays advertise lifetime which is the value of the lifetime field
of the router advertisement sent from the interface in seconds.
Preferences Displays the preference of the address as a default router address,
relative to other router addresses on the same subnet.
show ip ospf
This command displays information relevant to the OSPF router. This command takes no options.
show ip ospf
Mode Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
Router ID Is a 32 bit integer in dotted decimal format identifying the router,
about which information is displayed. This is a configured value.