User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Switching Commands 8-83
Configuration Digest Key Calculated value.
Configuration Format Selector Configured value.
MST Instances List of all multiple spanning tree instances configured on the
show spanning-tree vlan
This command displays the association between a VLAN and a multiple spanning tree instance.
The <vlanid> corresponds to an existing VLAN ID.
Format show spanning-tree vlan <vlanid>
Mode Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
VLAN Identifier
Associated Instance Identifier for the associated multiple spanning tree instance or
"CST" if associated with the common and internal spanning tree
This command sets the spanning-tree operational mode to enabled.
Default Disabled
Format spanning-tree
Mode Global Config
no spanning-tree
This command sets the spanning-tree operational mode to disabled. While disabled, the spanning-
tree configuration is retained and can be changed, but is not activated.
Format no spanning-tree
Mode Global Config
spanning-tree configuration name
This command sets the Configuration Identifier Name for use in identifying the configuration that
this switch is currently using. The <name> is a string of at most 32 characters.