User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
8-56 Switching Commands
seconds). The factory default is 60 centiseconds (0.6 seconds).
The finest granularity of specification is 1 centisecond (0.01 sec-
LeaveAll Timer This Leave All Time controls how frequently LeaveAll PDUs are
generated. A LeaveAll PDU indicates that all registrations will
shortly be deregistered. Participants will need to rejoin in order to
maintain registration. There is an instance of this timer on a per-
Port, per-GARP participant basis. The Leave All Period Timer is
set to a random value in the range of LeaveAllTime to
1.5*LeaveAllTime. Permissible values are 200 to 6000 centisec-
onds (2 to 60 seconds). The factory default is 1000 centiseconds
(10 seconds). The finest granularity of specification is 1 centisec-
ond (0.01 seconds).
Port GMRP Mode Indicates the GMRP administrative mode for the port. It may be
enabled or disabled. If this parameter is disabled, Join Time,
Leave Time and Leave All Time have no effect. The factory
default is disabled.
Port GVRP Mode Indicates the GVRP administrative mode for the port. It may be
enabled or disabled. If this parameter is disabled, Join Time,
Leave Time and Leave All Time have no effect. The factory
default is disabled.
show igmpsnooping
This command displays IGMP Snooping information. Configured information is displayed
whether or not IGMP Snooping is enabled. Status information is only displayed when IGMP
Snooping is enabled.
show igmpsnooping
Mode Privileged EXEC
Admin Mode This indicates whether or not IGMP Snooping is active on the
Query Interval Time This displays the IGMP Query Interval Time. This is the amount
of time a switch will wait for a report for a particular group on a
particular interface before it sends a query on that interface. This
value may be configured