User Manual for the NETGEAR 7300 Series Layer 3 Managed Switch Software
Routing Commands 9-53
Receive version The RIP version(s) allowed when receiving updates from the
specified interface. The types are none, RIP-1, RIP-2, Both. This
is a configured value.
RIP Admin Mode RIP administrative mode of router RIP operation; enable acti-
vates, disable de-activates it. This is a configured value.
Link State Indicates whether the RIP interface is up or down. This is a con-
figured value.
Authentication Type The RIP Authentication Type for the specified interface. The
types are none, simple, and encrypt. This is a configured value.
Authentication Key The RIP Authentication Key for the specified interface. The
actual key will be **** to avoid compromising privacy. This is a
configured value.
Authentication Key ID The RIP Authentication Key ID for the specified interface. This
is a configured value.
Default Metric A number which represents the metric used for default routes in
RIP updates originated on the specified interface. This is a con-
figured value.
The following information will be invalid if the link state is down.
Bad Packets Received The number of RIP response packets received by the RIP process
which were subsequently discarded for any reason.
Bad Routes Received The number of routes contained in valid RIP packets that were
ignored for any reason.
Updates Sent The number of triggered RIP updates actually sent on this inter-
show ip vrrp
This command displays whether VRRP functionality is enabled or disabled on the 7300 Series L3
Switch. It also displays some global parameters which are required for monitoring This command
takes no options.
show ip vrrp
Mode Privileged EXEC and User EXEC
VRRP Admin Mode Displays the admin mode for VRRP functionality on the switch.
Router Checksum Errors Represents the total number of VRRP packets received with
an invalid VRRP checksum value.