
CE-05171N page 8 of 44
3.1.4 Magnetic Pickup (MPU)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 11
Device Types: Magnetic Pickup or MPU, (5 to 120) Vrms, (30 to 10k) Hz.
There are two screw terminal connectors for the Magnetic Pickup .
Terminals 64 and 65 are MPU terminals.
3.1.5 Digital Outputs (DO)
NNuummbbeerr ooff DDeevviicceess:: 1100
Device Types: Discrete Output, Normally Open (N/O) or Normally Closed (N/C)
Four (4) relay outputs, form C, dry contacts
Four (4) FETs (high speed)
Two (2) IGBTs (high power)
There are three screw terminal connectors for each relay output and two screw terminal connectors for each
FET and IGBT output.
Terminals 70 to 81 are for the four relay terminals.
Terminals 82 to 89 are for the four FET terminals.
Terminals 90 to 93 are for the two IGBT terminals.
Green LEDs give a visual indication of active output signal.
AA hheeaatt ssiinnkk iiss aattttaacchheedd ttoo tthhee ccoovveerr uussiinngg aaccoorrnn ssttyyllee nnuuttss.. TThhee ssuurrffaaccee aarreeaa aarroouunndd tthheessee ffaasstteenneerrss ccaann
bbeeccoommee vveerryy hhoott.. AAvvooiidd ccoonnttaacctt..
Magnetic Pickup
Digital Outputs