CE-05171N page 38 of 44
Port 2 (USB)
Interface: USB 1.1 Compliant Port capable of emulating RS232 communications via royalty free PC driver.
Protocol/Services: Modbus (Slave), Proprietary (Binary)
Connection: There is a USB Type B connector (see graphic).
Automatic selection of USB is provided when a signal is detected on the USB Type B connector.
Port 3 (CAN)
Protocol/Services: Proprietary (Binary)
Connection: There are three (3) screw terminal connectors for CAN. These are identified as HI, LOW, and SHD.
OOnn CC33--11 MMaaiinn II//OO MMoodduullee
Located next to the USB connector is the CAN OK (COP). When in the boot loader the COP LED does not flash.
When the program is running properly the COP LED will flash on and off every 0.5 seconds.
If the checksum in the configuration file does not match the calculated checksum of the file, then the program
will flash the COP LED 3 times at 0.5 second intervals and then stay off for 1.5 seconds.
OOnn tthhee CC33--22 EExxppaannssiioonn II//OO MMoodduullee
When the program is running properly the COP LED will flash on and off every 0.5 seconds.
7.2 Downloading Configurations and Firmware Updates
Users will need to download configurations from the controller, as well as be able to receive occasional firmware
version updates from Murphy.
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It is necessary for the Centurion controller to enter boot loader mode in order to receive downloads for a
firmware update, and if configuration between the devices needs to be synchronized. During boot loader mode
the Centurion is able to transmit and receive configuration updates to and from the MConfigPro software and
transmit configuration updates to C3-3 Display through Pass Through.
Communications will operate according to default state parameters for configuration transfers. During boot
loader mode, the transfer rate is 9600, N, 8, 1 and assumes a serial communication port setting of RS485 or a
USB connection.
Due to the Modbus strings of code, the controller recognizes whether the bootloader is for a configuration, or
firmware update.
In order for the Centurion configurable controller to enter boot loader mode, the jumpers are removed during
power up (power cycled). The C3-3 Display and third party HMI devices will not receive a response to polls on
Port 1 while the boot loader is active.
Power on the Centurion must be cycled with the jumper installed to resume normal operation, or run mode.
77..22..22 DDoowwnnllo
oaaddiinngg CCoonnffiigguurraattiioonnss VViiaa CC33--33 DDiissppllaayy
All configuration downloads will use a baud rate of 9600. The
Com 1 selection will use the hardware setup of the current
configuration. The Com 2 selection is a fixed hardware setup
for RS485. Selecting USB for configuration download con-
nects the USB adapter to Com 2 internally.
All normal communication with the controller is stopped while
in download mode.
The display will indicate the transfer is complete by displaying 100%.
SSppeecciiaall 3355 JJuummpp CCooddee
In the case that no configuration has been downloaded, or a
password has been lost, C3-3 Display allows a “Download Only”
password that will allow access to the download menu.
The password is set to a fixed value of 35.