CE-05171N page 20 of 44
6.2 Operational Screens
In addition to the set up screens reviewed in Section 7.3, the C3-3 Display offers a number of operational displays.
On the Operating Status screens, the two bottom lines display the state, hours, mode and active timer status.
This information is key to understanding the “status” of the controller.
Mode refers to the Operating Mode of the controller and can be LOCAL or REMOTE. Depending on the configuration
active in the controller, the operation may differ depending on what Mode the controller is currently displaying.
The Mode can be changed by pressing certain keys, if the configuration allows for REMOTE mode.
Pressing RESET or RUN/STOP is a Local function and will change the Mode to Local if it is in REMOTE.
Pressing Fn before pressing RESET or RUN/STOP is a REMOTE function and will change the Mode to REMOTE if it is in LOCAL.
66..22..11 DDeeffaauulltt OOppeerraattiinngg SSccrreeeenn
After turning on the power, the user will view the F W Murphy logo screen for three seconds before the next
screen displays, which is a software-configured default operating screen. The MConfigPro software allows
users to configure up to five screens with controller I/O groupings. Possible custom screen types that may have
been configured as a default operating screen, or which may be also displayed, include:
a) Custom Line by Line allows process data to be displayed in a list format with description and value.
b) Custom Gage allows user to display four (4) most important pieces of data on a 2 x 2 table in larger font.
c) Custom PID up to 4 PID screens.
For more information on configuring the optional screens through the MConfigPro software, please refer to the
Centurion Controller Programming Manual.
66..22..22 FF WW MMuurrpphhyy LLooggoo SSccrreeeenn
The F W Murphy Logo is the first screen in the sequence of
Display screens and can be viewed by holding down the left
arrow until scrolling left ceases.
66..22..33.. CCoorrppoorraattee aannd
d VVeerrssiioonn IInnffoorrmmaattiioonn SSccrreeeenn
Following the F W Murphy Logo screen is the F W Murphy
corporate contact information which also lists firmware version
information for the Centurion C3-3 Display, the C3-1 I/O
Module and the MConfigPro Software.