CE-05171N page 29 of 44
66..33..99 SSeett ppooiinnttss SSeettuupp
User can edit any of the 128 set points that are configured.
Set points further configure analog inputs and thermocouple
inputs by defining a threshold, exception or any other out-of-
limit event that may require action. Multiple set points are
often applied to a process and they may be configured as
often as needed to meet changing conditions.
Common alarm and shutdown set points a user might have
configured include:
High Shutdown
Low warning
Open Warning
High Warning
Low Shutdown
A user might also have configured other set point settings
which are not used to indicate alarm or shutdown. For exam-
ple, a set point provides a less flexible, but simpler alternative
to controlling the pump’s start and stop functions.
To edit a configured set point:
Assign numeric threshold that if crossed, triggers the set point.
Adjust the sign of the threshold value as plus (+) or minus (-) by
moving the cursor to the sign symbol position and use the up
and down keys to toggle the sign.
For more on Set Points, please refer to the Centurion
Configurable Controller Programming Manual.
66..33..1100 CCoonnttrrooll OOuuttppuutt SSeettuupp
The Centurion controller allows users to define up to eight (8)
outputs to augment control not otherwise defined.
The Centurion controller can be configured through MConfigPro
software to define an analog output, a digital output, a single
pulsed digital output, or two pulsed digital outputs.
Note that Control Outputs 1 through 4, are directly related to
Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) calculation loops and are
further defined in the PID dialog screens described in Section
6.3.11. For example, PID 1 is assigned its control from
Control Output 1, PID 2 from Control Output 2, and so on.
If the configured output is a pulsed cycle, the user may edit
those behaviors by following the available steps:
Assign value to Increase Max On Time. (Set limit of maxi-
mum on-time for Increase pulses.)
Assign value to Increase Off Time. (Set fixed off-time for
Increase pulses.)
Assign value to Increase Changeover On Time. (Set fixed
on-time for single pulse on direction change for Increase).
Assign value to Increase Changeover Off Time. (Set fixed
off-time for single pulse on direction change for Increase).
Assign value to Decrease Max On Time. (Set limit of maxi-
mum on-time for Decrease pulses.)
Assign value to Decrease Off Time. (Set fixed off-time for
Decrease pulses.)
Assign value to Decrease Changeover On Time. (Set fixed on-
time for single pulse on direction change for Decrease).