
EFC Event Log Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Event Log. Log displayed though the
EFC Manager application that provides a record of events or error
conditions recorded by the EFC Management Services application.
Entries reflect the status of the application and managed directors
and switches. Information associated with a call-home failure is
intended for use by maintenance personnel to fault isolate the prob-
lem (modem failure, no dial tone, etc.), while information provided in
all other entries is generally intended for use by third-level support
personnel to fault isolate more significant problems. See also EFC
Audit Log; EFC Product Status Log; EFC Session Log; Event Log.
EFCM Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Management. The management
scheme for McDATA products. This includes the EFC Server, EFC
Manager application, EFC Management Services application, and all
Product Manager applications and their associated services.
EFC Management
Services application
EMS Application; Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Management Ser-
vices Application. Software application that provides back-end prod-
uct-independent services to the EFC Manager application. EFC
Management Services application runs only on the EFC Server and
cannot be downloaded to remote workstations.
EFC Manager
Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Manager application. (1) Software
application that is the system management framework providing the
user interface for managing McDATA Fibre Channel connectivity
products. (2) The software application that implements the manage-
ment user interface for all managed hardware products. The EFC
Manager application can run both locally on the EFC Server and
remotely on a user workstation.
EFCM Lite Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Manager Lite version. EFCM Lite bun-
dles the Product Manager application for a specific switch or director,
the Enterprise Fabric Connectivity (EFC) Manager application, and
the Fabric Manager application for installation on a customer-sup-
plied server platform. Functionally, EFCM Lite and the standard
EFCM applications installed on an EFC server are identical, except
that EFCM Lite does not support the Call-Home and the automated
Zip drive back up feature. In addition, EFCM Lite requires installa-
tion of the remote client application to a remote user workstation
from the EFCM Lite CD.
EFC Product Status
Enterprise Fabric Connectivity Product Status Log. Log displayed
though the EFC Manager application that records an entry when the
status of a director or switch changes. The log reflects the previous