
(1) The capability that allows attachment of a device to a system with-
out requiring physical reconfiguration of either the device or the
interconnections. (2) The director or switch capability that allows log-
ical manipulation of link connections to provide physical device
attachment (D). See also active port address matrix; connectivity
attribute; connectivity control.
connectivity control In S/390 mode, in a director or switch, the method used to change
port address connectivity attributes and determine the communica-
tion capability of the link attached to the port (D). See also active port
address matrix; connectivity attribute; connectivity capability.
connector Synonym for optical fiber connector.
console See personal computer; server.
control processor
CTP card. Circuit card that contains the director or switch micropro-
cessor. The CTP card also initializes hardware components of the sys-
tem after power-on. The card may contain an RJ-45 twisted pair
credit See buffer-to-buffer credit.
CTP card See control processor card.
customer support Synonym for technical support.
CVC Channel operations running in block mode. This occurs when a chan-
nel is attached to a converter. This specifies the I/O operation mode
for the channel path under the I/O configuration program (IOCP)
channel path identifier (CHPID) statement Type parameter. Contrast
with CBY.
database A collection of data with a given structure for accepting, storing, and
providing on-demand data for multiple users. (T)
data directory Critical information for all managed products (including directors
and switches). Information stored here includes:
All configuration data