
Consolidating EFC Servers
Consolidating EFC Servers in a Multiswitch Fabric
Consolidating EFC Servers
This procedure provides instructions to consolidate multiple EFC
Servers into a single environment. The procedure is divided into
steps that are:
Common for all configurations.
Unique to the private LAN configuration.
Unique to the private LAN and corporate intranet configuration.
Common Steps for
All Configurations
Perform the following steps for the switch configurations shown in
Figure D-1 and Figure D-2:
1. Designate one notebook PC as the EFC Server (as directed by the
customer’s network administrator) and the remaining notebook
PCs as client backups.
2. Ensure each PC has a unique computer name. Repeat this step for
the EFC Server and all client PCs.
a. Click the Windows Start button. The Windows Workstation
menu displays.
b. Sequentially select Settings and Control Panel. The Control Panel
window displays.
c. Double-click the Network icon. The Network dialog box
displays with the Identification page open.