
McDATA® Sphereon 3032 and 3232 Fabric Switches Installation and Service Manual
sents the maximum number of outstanding frames that can be trans-
mitted by that N_Port or F_Port without causing a buffer overrun
condition at the receiver. (2) The maximum number of frames a port
can transmit without receiving a receive ready signal from the receiv-
ing device. BB_Credit can be adjustable to provide different levels of
bypassed port If a port is bypassed, all serial channel signals route past the port. A
device attached to the port cannot communicate with other devices in
the loop.
byte Abbreviated as B. A byte generally equals eight bits, although a byte
can equal from four to ten bits. A byte can also be called an octet See
also octet.
call-home Product feature which enables the EFC Server to automatically con-
tact a support center and report system problems. The support center
server accepts calls from the EFC Server, logs reported events, and
can notify one or more support center representatives.
cascade Linking two or more Fibre Channel switches to form a larger switch
or fabric. The switched link through fiber cables attached between
one or more expansion ports (E_Ports). See also expansion port.
CBY Channel operations running in byte mode. This occurs when a chan-
nel is attached to a converter and specifies the I/O operation mode
for the channel path under the I/O configuration program (IOCP)
channel path identifier (CHPID) statement ‘Type’ parameter. Contrast
with CVC.
cell In S/390 mode, in a port address matrix, a cell is the intersection
point between a horizontal port address and a vertical port address.
A selected cell is indicated by the cell cursor.
chained Two directors or switches that are physically attached.
channel (1) A system element that controls one channel path, and whose
mode of operation depends on the type of hardware attached. Each
channel controls an I/O interface between the channel control ele-
ment and the attached control units (D). (2) Point-to-point link that