
Consolidating EFC Servers in a Multiswitch Fabric
Required EFC
Manager Version
Before consolidating EFC Servers, ensure each notebook PC is
running Version 3.0 (or later) of the EFC Manager application, and
each switch is running firmware Version 3.0 (or later). If the EFC
Manager application requires upgrade, see Install or Upgrade Software
on page 4-59 for instructions. If switch firmware requires upgrade,
see Manage Firmware Versions on page 4-48 for instructions.
The EFC Manager application supports management of up to 48
switches (or up to 48 McDATA managed products) per EFC Server,
and supports a multiswitch fabric of eight switches.
IP Address
All Sphereon 3032/3232 switches (or other McDATA managed
products) and all EFC Server PCs participating in a multiswitch
fabric must have unique IP addresses. Figure D-3 shows IP addresses
(without leading zeros) in a multiswitch environment.
IP addresses are structured to represent a location and product type.
The address format is 010.rrr.ppp.xxx, where:
rrr is the location number (001, 002, 003, or 004) which specifies
either the location of a single switch or the location of a switch in
an FC-512 Fabricenter equipment cabinet. The numbers have no
hierarchical significance and do not have to reflect physical order
along a LAN. However, you must assign a different number to
each switch.
NOTE: Procedures in this appendix assume the switch at location 1 (001)
is associated with the EFC Server PC, and switches connected to client
PCs are numbered in the physical order shown in Figure D-3.
ppp is the product type (001 for an EFC Server notebook PC, 005
for an ED-5000 Director, 006 for a Sphereon 3016/3216 Switch,
and 007 for a Sphereon 3032/3232 Switch).
xxx is the position of the PC or switch in a Fabricenter equipment
cabinet (001 for the PC, 001 for the lowest switch, and 002 for the
next switch).
NOTE: Use position number 001 for stand-alone switches.