System Configuration 71
E-EQ-MX5PCRG-F-ARC MX5 Reference Guide
Although the default keyboard layout is Standard, this parameter must be changed to
Alphanumeric for the LXE MX5.
This value may also need to be reset after a Cold Boot.
Factory Default Settings
Access: the Windows icon | Settings | System tab | Memory
Tap the Windows icon | Help at any time for context-sensitive help.
Factory Default Settings
Total main memory 63.18 MB
Storage setting 50% of available memory
Program setting 50% of available memory
Storage Card
Not installed
Running Program List
File Explorer Enabled
If a program becomes unstable or stops running, use the Running Program List to highlight the
program name, the select Activate, Stop or Stop all programs.
Tap OK to close the menu.
Regional Settings
Access: the Windows icon | Settings | System tab | Regional Settings
No change from general desktop PC Regional Settings Properties options. Adjust the settings and
tap the OK box to save the changes. The changes take effect immediately.
Factory Default Settings
Regional Setting English (United States)
Number 123,456,789.00 / -123,456,789.00 neg
Currency $123,456,789.00 pos / ($123,456,789.00) neg
Time h:mm:ss tt (tt=AM or PM)
Date M/d/yy short / dddd,MMMM,dd,yyyy long
Remove Programs
Access: the Windows icon | Settings | System tab | Remove Programs
Tap the name of the program, then tap Remove. Tap OK to close this option. Changes take place
User installed device drivers, when removed, require a cold boot to completely remove the