108 Appendix C System Configuration – Pocket PC 2000
MX5 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5PCRG-F-ARC
Software Load
The software loaded on the MX5 computer consists of Windows for Pocket PC 2000, hardware-
specific OEM Adaptation Layer, device drivers, MS Pocket Internet Explorer browser and
The radio drivers are stored on the compact flash card that is located behind the main battery.
During the cold boot process, the JmpStart program accesses the compact flash card and loads the
radio drivers and any saved parameters.
The software supported by the MX5 is summarized below:
Operating System
• Pocket PC 2000.
Radio Drivers
• Only one radio is installed in the MX5 at any one time. The 2.4GHz type of PC radio
card resident on the MX5 determines the type of radio driver running on the MX5.
Scanner Driver
When updating CAB files, first delete the RegTemp.reg registry backup file, then perform a
cold boot. JmpStart.old will install the drivers listed in it’s script. Configure the driver
settings and then create RegSave to save the registry contents. Then warm boot to load the
When adding new (additional) CAB files, perform the same step shown above, except edit
JmpStart.old to add the name of the new CAB(s).
Note: Please contact your LXE representative to get access to CAB files as they are
released by LXE.