68 System Configuration
MX5 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5PCRG-F-ARC
System Tab
Access: the Windows icon | Settings | System tab
Tap the Windows icon | Help at any time for context-sensitive help.
Access: the Windows icon | Settings | System tab | About
Displays important device information. There are three tabs:
Displays the Pocket PC version installed and the build number. Also
the type of processor, memory installed, whether the expansion slot is
in use and the current MX5 owner name.
Device ID
The default device name used to identify the MX5 to other computers is
“Pocket_PC”. The description is blank. You can make changes and tap
the OK button. The changes take effect immediately.
This information may be changed when a newer version of Pocket PC
is loaded.
Tap OK to close this menu option.
Administrator – Pocket PC 2002
Access: the Windows icon | Settings | System tab | Administrator
LXE AppLock Administration utility. See Chapter 4 “AppLock” for details.
Access: the Windows icon | Settings | System tab | Screen
The screen can be aligned at any time. To start, tap the Screen button with the stylus.
Follow the instructions on the screen and press the Enter key (or tap the OK icon) to save the new
calibration settings. You can also press the <Esc> key sequence to cancel or quit.
Equal Sign vs the Dash
The Equal sign ( = ) may appear as a ( - ) on an MX5 running Pocket PC 2002.
Tap the Windows icon | Settings | System tab | Screen.
Uncheck the “Enable Cleartype” checkbox and tap OK. Perform a Warm Reset.