112 Appendix C System Configuration – Pocket PC 2000
MX5 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX5PCRG-F-ARC
The WEP key is a 40 or 128 bit value that is used to encrypt the data portion of packets. The WEP
keys are configured using the Cisco Client Encryption Manager.
Valid: Enabled, Disabled
Default: Disabled
Authentication Types
This parameter controls the validation of the WEP key.
Valid: Open, Shared Key
Default: Open
Used to set LEAP (Light Extensible Authentication Protocol) authentication on LXE computers
equipped with Cisco 350 series radios. Setting this parameter to Enabled automatically enables
WEP and sets the Authentication Type to Open.
Valid: Disabled, Enabled
Default: Disabled
Mixed Mode
This parameter indicates if the radio card is allowed to connect to an Access Point that allows both
WEP and non-WEP associations. The setting on the MX5 must match the setting on the Access
Point before successful connection can occur.
Valid: Disabled, Enabled
Default: Disabled
Allows the radio card to adopt the maximum transmit power level and frequency range of the
Access Point to which it is associated (available only in infrastructure mode).
Valid: Disabled, Enabled
Default: Disabled
Data Rates
Set this value for transmission/receive rates for packets.
Valid: Auto, 1, 2, 5.5, 11Mb Only
Default: Auto
Transmit Power
This parameter determines the power level the radio card uses to transmit. Choosing MAX allows
the radio to transmit at the maximum power level supported by the country’s regulatory agency.
Valid: MAX, 20mw, 50mw, 100mw
Default: MAX