Hold your Camera Tight
To take a sharp picture, the important thing is to hold your
camera in a stable manner to prevent it from being jarred
when the shutter button is depressed. Hold your camera in
both hands and make it stable by holding it against your face
and pressing the elbow of your hand supporting the camera
against your body.
Particularly, it is more difficult to hold the camera, the long
side up, than to hold it, the long side down. It would be
advisable to get yourself accustomed to the vertical holding
of your camera.
• In taking pictures at slow shutter speeds or with a
telephoto lens, the camera is likely to be jarred if it is hold in
the hands. Here, the use of a tripod and a cable release is
advisable. The tripod will be fixed to the Tripod Socket (42)
of the underside of the camera and the cable release to the
tap-hole of the shutter button.