• When the lens is detached, see to it that dust will not
come in the camera and lens barrel and the lens surface
will not be either scratched or marred with fingerprints.
Under any circumstances, do not touch the inner parts of
the camera.
• When the lens is taken out of the camera over a certain
length of time, use a camera body cap and a mount cap
which is snapped on to the rear part of the lens.
• Schützen Sie Camera und Objektiv vor Staub und achten
Sie darauf, dass die Linsenoberflächen nicht zerkratzt
oder z.B. durch Fingerabdrücke verschmutzt werden.
Berühren Sie bei abgenommenen Objektiv keinesfalls das
Innere der Camera.
• Wird das Objektiv für längere Zeit abgenommen, so
sollten Sie unbedingt die als Zubehör lieferbare Camera
abdeckung und Objektivabdeckung verwenden.
• Lorsque l'appareil est démuni de son objectif, ne pas
toucher les organes intérieurs. Eviter également que les
poussières n'entrent dans l'appareil. Bien vérifier que la
surface des lentilles ne soit ni rayée ni maculée.
• Si l'objectif reste démonté de l'appareil pour un certain
temps, utiliser un bouchon d'appareil ainsi qu'bouchon
arrière d'objectif.
• När objektivet är borttaget från kamerahuset, skydda det
så att det inte kommer in damm i det eller i kameran. Se
också till att objektivets glas inte blir repat eller fläckas
ner av fingeravtryck. Under inga omständigheter får de
inre delarna av kamerahuset vidröras. Om objektivet tas
bort under en längre tid, använd då kamerafodralet och
sätt på ett linsskydd på objektivet.
• När ni skall sätta fast objektivet i kamerahuset, försäkra er
om att objektivet förs in i kameran när de röda
markeringspunkterna på objektiv och kamera är mitt för
The lens aperture is designed to control the amount of light
reaching the film surface in terms of area and the depth of
field (see Page 46). Your camera's AEC system will automati-
cally determine the correct aperture value, once the AE mark
on the aperture ring is aligned with the index mark. Manual
aperture is also usable (Page 39). In either event, the fully
automatic aperture system will work and the lens will be
stopped down to a determined f-number only during the split
moment when the shutter is depressed and then automatical-
ly return to the full opening after a picture has been taken.
• The amount of ligh going through the lens will reduce in
proportion to a rise in the aperture value. The correlation,
as indicated in the above figure, is such that the brightness
of the lens reduces by half in proportion as the aperture
enlarges by one reading.
• The lens having the AE Release Button (13) at its aperture
ring is equipped with an AE lock. In the event that the
camera is released from the electric eye system and used
for manual aperture, depress this button and turn it.
• The aperture is continually variable, and therefore an
intermediate point between readings on the aperture ring
is usable.