Type: 35mm TTL-AEC SLR with focal plane shutter.
Film: 35mm film in cartridge.
Picture Size: 24 x 36mm
Standard Lenses: Hexanon AR 50mm f/1.7 (5 groups, 6
elements), AR 50mm f/1.4 (6 groups, 7 elements), AR 57mm
f/1.2 (6 groups, 7 elements) Each with AE lock, closest
taking distance 0.45 m, Color Dynamic Coating.
Mount: Konica Mount II of bayonet type, 47mm in
diameter with 40.5mm flange back.
Aperture Mechanism: Fully automatic exposure control
(AEC) system, minimum aperture 16. Equipped with a device
for checks on depth-of-field.
Shutter: Vertically scanning metal focal plane Hi-synchro
shutter "Copal Square-S" with built-in multiple-exposure
progression and single-spindle non-rotating dial. Time ex-
posure possible.
Synchro-Flash: "X" synchro contact for hot shoe clip.
Synchronized with all shutter speeds at M synchrocontact
with M, FP and MF classes of bulbs and with electronic flash
at X synchro contact at 1/125 sec.
Self-Timer: Operation time variable in seconds with full
operation extending to about 10 sec. Equipped with safety
Finder: Pentaprism eye-level finder with magnification at
0.78X (with 50mm lens at infinity) and field of view set at
about 92% of the actual field of picture. Equipped with
focusing screen of real image-alignment type using standard
Micro Dia Prism type (or optional split-image type).
Visible in Finder: Meter needle, exposure warning marks,
shutter speed reading, aperture value, value of lens at full
opening and mark for AEC range, manual indicator mark,
index point for stopped-down metering, power source check
Mirror: Front edge vertically lifted. Fully quick return
Exposure Adjustment: Fully automatic exposure (AEC
system), variable TTL metering system with 2 supersensitive
CdS cells.
* Fully automatic aperture lens of AEC type (metering at
full lens opening):
Correct aperture reading system coupled to film speed,
shutter speed and at-full-lens-opening aperture value.
* Preset, normal aperture lens (stopped-down metering):
Index-point alignment system (match-needle) coupled to film
speed, shutter speed and aperture.
Power Source for Meter: Two 1.35V mercury battery cells,
Meter on/off switch and shutter lock control which concur-
rently serves as shutter lock of automatic release type.
AEC Coupling Range: EV1.5 (f/1.2, 1/2 sec.) toEV18(f/16,
1/1000 sec.) with f/1.2 lens and ASA 100.
Film Speed: ASA 12 to 3200 (DIN 12 to 36).
Exposure Memory Device: Shutter release button used.
Film Loading: Konica EL type.
Film Wind: Cocking in single action with top lever (with
wind of 162° and play of 30°). Equipped with wind
completion indicator and double-exposure prevention device.
Film Counter: Indicates number of exposures and auto-
matically returns. Hinged back cover and memo holder.
Film Rewind: Cranck type. Rewind button automatically
Dimensions and Weight (Body only)
150(w) x 95(h) x 45(d) mm, 740g.
6"(w) x 3¾ "(h) x l¾"(d), 26 ozs.