........ l
When baking one Item at a tlme, position the Bake rack in the lower rack guides
The bakeware that wilt fit in the oven are: a Bundt pan, 6-cup muffin pan, g-inch pie pan,
9-inch loaf pan, or an Angel Food cake pan.
_ WARNING: Do NOT use roasling bags, pPastic l
or glass containers in the toaster oven,
1. Place the Bake rack in the lower rack guide
2.. Turn the Function Adjust knob until Ihe arrow in the
dispIay window points to the word Bake The Timer
wilt show the default (preset) time of 30 minutes
NOTE: The Bake mode of the Toaster Oven runs
at approximately 330_'to350°E
3 To preheat the oven once you have selected Bake.
turn the Time adjusl knob to 5 minutes, then push the
START/STOP button The START/STOP button
illuminates blue to show the oven is operating
When the 5 minutes are up, the oven wil; beep 5 times
to let you know the time is up, the blue STARTISTOP
light wilt go out and the toaster oven turns Off
4. 'To set the Timer on the amount of lime needed for
the recipe, turn the Time Adiust knob to choose the
number of minutes needed The timer can be set
from 1 minule up to "_20minutes If the recipe has
s range of time, always start wilh the shortest time
and check the food for doneness at this point
Press the START/STOP balton to start the baking
NOTE: To change cooking lime during the Baking process,
you mast start lhe programming sequence ever. Press
and hold the START/STOP button until beep ts heard,
The defaull lime el 30 minutes will appear In '[he display
Turn the t}me knob to the amount of time desired,
and press the START/STOP button lo resume cooking
* B_ke W_lrm
o.0 .
Positioning the Bake Rack
Cookies can be baked using either set of rack guides, or both positions at once
(with an additional rack sold separalely)
Layer cakes are baked on the lower rack guide position Pies can be baked in either
or both positions Always bake pies on a cookie sheet to catch any spills or drips