L ........
The large capacity oven aUows for toasling 4 to 6 slices of bread, or G English muftin halves,
frozen waffles, or frozen pancakes When toasting only ! or 2 items, place the food inthe
center of the Toaster Oven's rack
1 As soon as lhe Toaster Oven is plugged in, the LCD
display panet and Power light illuminate blue These
stay illuminated unlit Ihe Toaster Oven in unplugged
2 Tare tile Funclion Adjust knob, In the btue LCD display,
an arrow points to the function you choose Turn unit)
the arrow pointsto lhe word Toast. The Display shows
the default (preset) setting for Medium toast
3, Turn the Time Adjust knob until an arrow poinls to the
Toast Color designelioe you wan(, either light, medium
or dark, The Timer in the display shows no numbers
during toasting
NOTE; The Toast mode of the Toasler Oven runs at
highest heat, appreximatety 50O"E
4, Be sure lhe crumb tray Is in place,
5 Bake rack should be in the lower rack guide
6 Place the toed to be toasted on the bake rack and
close the glass door
7 Press the START/STOP builon to start the toasting
When pushed, the STARTtSTOP button beeps and
illuminates blue to signal that cooking is in progress
8, When Ihe toaster function is finished, 5 beeps wilt
sound to let you know the toael is ready to be removed,,
The blue light of the STARTfSTOP button goes out,
and the Toaster Oven heal elements turn off
g To stop toasting belore the time is up, hotd in the
START/STOP button for 2 seconds, The toaster oven
beeps once, the light goes off around the
START/STOP button and the Toaster Oven wilt stop
Note: To change the toastcolor during the toesling
process, you must slart the programming sequence over
00 ,,0,,,
B_k_ Warm
Press and hold the START/STOP butlon until beep is heard, The current selecled Toast
selling will appear Select the desired least color and press the STARTISTOP button
to resume toae!ing
If you are planning to teasl an item Ihat might be messy, or drip intolhe toasler even, you
can use the small brat( rack on top of the bake pan and place Iheee on the bake rack in
the oven The bake pan wUl catch any drips and wtl_make clean up easier