• DO NOT immerseToaster Oven in water or anyother liquid
• ALWAYS make sure Time knob is inthe 0 (Oil) position and
UNPLUG toaster oven from the electricoullet before cleaning
1, Allow oven and accessories tocoolcompletelybeforecleantng,
NOTE: Sugarend Salt based foods have a tendency to stick toall surfacesand are
very hard to clean.When cooking these typesof foods wilh the Bake Panand Broil
Rack,soakand ctean themlmmedlataiy after each use.
2. All accessories shouldbe washedby hand Inhot sudsywater°Rinse and dry atl
accessoriesthoroughly,Automaticdlshwashlngnot recommended,
3. The GlassDoor can be wipedclean witha damp sponge and wiped dry with
a paper or clothtowel_
4. To clean thecrumbtray,slideIt outof theovenand brush offcrumbs.Wipe with
a damp clothand dry thoroughly.
5. Baked onstains can be removed with a paste made from baking soda and water.
Rinseand dr/thoroughty_
6. Clean theoutslde withaclean damp spongeor clothand dry thoroughly.
A non-abrasive liquidcleanermay be used for stubborn etalne_Rinseend dry
thoroughly,NEVER immerse ToasterOven In waterorany liquid,
_ CAUTION:NEVER use steel wool.scouring padsorabrasive cleaners |
to cleanany paris ofToasterOveninterior,exterior,or Accessories,
7_Allow allparts and surfaces to dry thoroughlybefore plugging
inand uefng ToasterOven,