I AUTION: Appliance surfaces are hot during and after use Always wear
protective, insulated even mitts when toucNng hot toaster oven or hot dishes and
food, or when Inserting or removing Bake Rack, Broil Rack, or other baking dishes
I Place Toaster Oven on a dry, fiat, tevet surface such as a eountertop or table
2 Be sure the sides, back and top of the oven are at least four inches away from any walls,
cabinets or objects on the counter or table
3 Remove all accessories and wash them in hat sudsy waler Dry thoroughly before
placing in the oven.
1 Remove all items not required for the next cooking procedure,.
2 Plug power cord into a standard 120-V, 60 Hz AC-oniy 3_prong electrical Duffel
The Toaster Oven should be the only appliance operating on the circuit
This Toaster Oven has both Infrared and Convection Technology for better, more efficient
use of heal The infrared feature utilizes halogen and quartz to cook with infrared light
waves in less time than conventional ovens The use of speeilic wavetenglhs tn the
electromagnetic speelrum profiled againsl your cooking choice resulle in perfectly cooked
food: fast! This oven's interior heater lights cycle on and off during normal operation to cook
faster than conventional ovens and more evenly Aulomatic Convection Technology
features hal air circulating through the loasler oven to cook food more evenly, at lower
temperatures, and ellen with belier end fasler results. Food cooks in less time in the
convection oven.The Convection Fealure is tn operation in the Bake, Warm, and Pizza
modes. When the Toaster Oven is in these automatic Cenveclion modes, and a small icon
of a fan will be visible in lhe LCD display screen.. The Broil and Toast modes have the
infrared feature only and nol the convection feature
The five modes of the Toaster Oven all have preset temperatures. Inthe Broil mode,
the Toaster Oven temperature is 470"F The Toast mode temperature is 500°E
The temperature for Bake is330 =F The temperature for Pizza ts 400"F, and the
temperature for Warm Is 210"E
As soon as the Toaster Oven ts plugged In, the LCD display panei and Power light
illuminate blue. These stay illuminaIed until the Toaster Oven in unplugged.
in the LCD display panel are a Timer, Toast Color choices with icons for LighL Medium
and Dark and below, an area to show Ihe 5 functions of the Toaster Oven; Bake, Pizza,
Broil. Warm, and Toast Various other icons thai appear in the LCD display panel are
explained tn this manual
CAUTION: NEVERleaveToasterOvenunattendedwhileit tsinuse ]