9 To stop the Broiling earlier, push and hold the START/STOP button for about 2 seconds.
The Toaster Oven wilt beep once, the START/STOP bulton fight wilt go out, and Ihe
Toaster Oven will be turned Off
NOTE: To change cooking time during Ihe Broil}ngprocess, you rnust start the
programming sequence over. Press and hold the START/STOP butlon until beep is heard
The default time of 20 minutes will appear in Ihe display Turn the time knob to lhe amount
of time desired, and press the START/STOP button to resume cooking
tf you would fike to have more hot air circulate around what you are broiling, or if Ihe recipe
does not call for turning the food over, you can use the Small broil rack in the bake part
Cooked foods can be kept warm for up to 60 minutes
Longer periods of lime are not recommended
l Place Ihe Bake rack in the lower rack guide
2. Turn the Function Adjust knob to Warm The Timer will
show the default (preset) time of 30 minutes. Set the
timer for the amount oflime desired
NOTE: The Warm mode of the Toaster Oven runs
at approximalely 200" to 210°F
3 Place covered toed in theToaster Oven on the
lower rack and push the STARTISTOP button..
4 When the Warm time is up, the Toasler Oven beeps
5 times, the STARTtSTOP button light wilt go out,
and the Toaster Oven will be turned Off
5 To stop the Warming earlier, push and hold the
START/STOP button for about 2 seconds
The Toaster Oven wtil beep once, the START/STOP
button light will go out, and the Toaster Oven
will be turned Off
NOTE: To change cooking time during the Warming
process, you must start Ihe programming sequence over
Press and hold the START/STOP bulton until beep is
heard The default lime o! 30 minutes wiltappear in Ihe
display.Turn the time knob to the amount of time desired,
and press the START/STOP butlon lo resume warming
PItt_ _tc.;_sl