Hardware Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
License number
Equipment type
Scrambling code
The following figure shows the anti-counterfeiting measures of NAL marks.
− A means the fluorescent anti-counterfeiting string inside the mark. The anti-
counterfeiting string is visible under UV light and can be exposed with a knife.
− B means the anti-counterfeiting shading that supports anti-photography and
− C means the invisible CMII fluorescent mark that is visible under UV light.
− D means the characters that use microform printing.
− E means the unique computer scrambling code that relates to the license
number, equipment type, and sequence number. The scrambling code cannot
be copied.
Type approval
On July 24, 1995, the former State Radio Regulatory Committee (SRRC), the
State Economic and Trade Commission (SETC), the General Administration of
Customs (GAC), and the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation
(MFTEC) jointly issued the Provisions on the Management of Import of Radio
Transmission Equipment. In April 1999, the Ministry of Industry and Information
Technology of the People's Republic of China (MIIT) issued the Notice of
Strengthening Management of Radio Transmission Equipment. As stipulated in
the provisions and notice, manufacturers of all radio transmission equipment
sold in China should possess the China Radio Transmission Equipment
Approval Certificate issued by the SRRC and the relevant CMIIT ID should be
affixed to the equipment nameplates.
Telecommunication equipment manufacturers should submit the China Radio
Transmission Equipment Approval Certificate when applying for a network
access license to the MIIT. In other words, completion of equipment type
approval is one of the prerequisites for network access application.
The relevant CMIIT ID should be marked on the nameplate of Huawei radio
terminals according to article 4 in the Provisions on Management of Manufacture
of Radio Transmission Equipment.
The following shows an example of the CMIIT ID: