Hardware Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
The test values are the average of some test samples.
4.5.2 Conducted Transmit Power
The conducted transmit power is another indicator that measures the performance of
MC509. The conducted transmit power refers to the maximum power that the module
tested at the antenna port can transmit. According to the 3GPP2 protocol, the
required transmit power varies with the power class.
Table 4-2 lists the required ranges of the conducted transmit power of MC509. The
tested values listed in the Test Value column must range from the minimum power to
the maximum power.
Table 4-2 MC509 conducted Tx power (Unit: dBm)
4.6 Antenna Design Requirements
4.6.1 Antenna Design Indicators
Antenna Efficiency
Antenna efficiency is the ratio of the input power to the radiated or received power of
an antenna. The radiated power of an antenna is always lower than the input power
due to the following antenna losses: return loss, material loss, and coupling loss. The
efficiency of an antenna relates to its electrical dimensions. To be specific, the
antenna efficiency increases with the electrical dimensions. In addition, the
transmission cable from the antenna port of MC509 to the antenna is also part of the
antenna. The cable loss increases with the cable length and the frequency. It is
recommended that the cable loss be as low as possible, for example, U.FL-LP-088
made by HRS.
The following antenna efficiency (free space) is recommended for MC509 to ensure
high radio performance of the module: Efficiency of the master antenna > 50% (–
4dB), In addition, the efficiency should be tested with the transmission cable.
S11 or VSWR
S11 (return loss) indicates the degree to which the input impedance of an antenna
matches the reference impedance (50-ohm). S11 shows the resonance feature and
impedance bandwidth of an antenna. Voltage standing wave ratio (VSWR) is another