Hardware Guide
Description of the Application Interfaces
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
For detailed information about power supply design and printed circuit board (PCB) design,
see the HUAWEI LGA Module Power Supply Design Guide and the HUAWEI MC509 CDMA
LGA Module PCB Interconnection Design Guide.
The MC509 module supports hardware reset function. If the software of the MC509
module stops responding, the MC509 module can be reset through the RESIN_N
signal. After the hardware is reset, the software starts powering on the module and
reports relevant information according to the actual settings. For example, the AT
command automatically reports ^SYSSTART.
3.4.3 Output Signal Control Pin (TBD)
3.4.4 WAKEUP_IN Signal
The DTE controls the sleep and wakeup status of the MC509 module through the
WAKEUP_ IN signal.
If there is no external WAKEUP_IN signal, the wireless module keeps in the wakeup
status by default. After receiving the WAKEUP_ IN signal, the wireless module
determines whether to enter the sleep mode according to the level status of the
WAKEUP_IN signal.
Table 3-5 shows the definition of the WAKE_IN signal.
3.4.5 WAKEUP_OUT Signal
The WAKEUP_OUT signal is used to wake up the external system. Figure 3-6 shows
the recommended schematic.