Hardware Guide
Huawei Proprietary and Confidential
Copyright © Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd.
FCC regulations, as part of federal laws, are divided into several parts.
Different parts define regulations for different products. A product, however, probably
is required to meet the regulations in two or more parts.
All terminals should be certified by the FCC or TCB and granted with an FCC ID.
The FCC ID format is as follows: XXXYYYYYYYY
XXX is the identification number of the applicant manufacturer (Huawei: QIS).
YYYYYYY is the product number consisting of two to 14 digits.
An FCCID consists of capital letters in English, digits, and symbols - only. No other
character is allowed.
For any Huawei product, the product model is used as the product number. For
example, the FCC ID of the EM770W is QISEM770W.
NCC (DGT) Certification
According to Telecommunications Act and Regulations on Inspection and
Certification of Controlled Telecommunications Equipment of Taiwan, no
communication and electronic equipment can be manufactured or sold in Taiwan
unless certified by the NCC (former DGT) with relevant certification marks.
The following lists the controlled telecommunications equipment:
Radio transmitter
Radio transceiver
Radio receiver
Radiated device
Other radio sources
The DGT's Technical Specifications for Low-Power Radio-Frequency Devices
specifies the frequencies that no low-power RF device or its principal wave should
not use and control the radiation field strength of low-power RF devices.
Comply with the following rules when making DGT marks:
Comply with the Technical Specifications for Low-Power Radio-Frequency
Devices and the Compliance Approval Regulations on Controlled
Telecommunications Radio-Frequency Devices.
Affix or print marks of appropriate size on the equipment bodies because the
dimensions are not specified.
Affix or print the DGT mark on the minimal package if the equipment body is
small to the mark.
Attach the DGT mark to relevant products in compliant with relevant regulations.
Ensure that the mark is legible in a single color.